Видео бичлэг[Video]::
Ямар мал аав ээж хоёр вэ?
Угаалгийн машин дотор хүүхдээ жихээд хийчдэг аав бас байдаг л юм байна…
**Edited: Just received an update from the police, these guys are NOT
the parents, the girl in the video is apparently the babysitter, and the
guy is her friend. This babysitter is going to get fired. The parents
are going to be pissed when they see this video.**
**Note** The kid is okay, he came out with only a few bruises. And was taken to the hospital after the event.
fail at a laundromat. Babysitter and her friend puts child in a washer
and accidentally starts the machine. (The machine requires a laundry
card and someone to manually lock the door to start, then the machine
auto-locks when the washer starts so customers don't flood the
Please refrain from racist comments. While the
decision to put the kid in the washer and lock the door was silly, the
guy was only trying to keep the child entertained.